Chemical Programs
Our “7 Step” Makit Green program works to kill off the weeds in your yard while keeping the grass fertilized. We have a set time line and order to maximize our efforts year-round.
-Early Spring Pre-Emergent (starts mid-January)
-Spring Pre-Emergent
-Fertilizer & Spot Weed Control (4 applications)
-Fall Pre-Emergent (starts mid-October)
The Makit Green program is guaranteed only when all the applications are done within the specified time frame of approximately six weeks apart and watered in within 24-48 hours after each application is applied.

We also offer a chemical program to handle insects and disease that cause problems for your shrubs and/or ornamental trees. This program includes:
-4x Insect & Disease Control (March, May, July, and September)
-1x Deep Root Feeding (December)
-1x Dormant Oil (December)
-1x Grub Treatment (July)
You may choose to have all the applications listed or specify which ones you would like for your program.
Additional Services (as needed):
-Grub Treatment
-Ant Bait
-Spot Weed Control